Our Pigott (Piggot) line links with theirs anciently, (at least
Robert Piggot: 1450s) so I thought their information was interesting on
ancient family history: Roger
Taken from: http://www.pigott.net/
Welcome to THE PIGOTT CORPORATION Historical Research Program
We seek to trace the PIGOTT family name, from the descendants of John
Pigott the Elder of Darlington District(County), South Carolina prior
to the American Revolutionary War, back through the British Isles and
the Duchy of Normandy to their origins in Scandinavia in the Middle
Ages and beyond as the Norse (Viking) family line Bygod.
Our family landed in Scotland, East Anglia, and other coastal areas of
the British Isles with the first Viking raiders, and spread throughout
England, Scotland, Ireland, Normandy, and later Canada, New England,
and the southern Colonies in the 1600s and early 1700s.
William the Conqueror granted extensive family lands to the Pigotts for
services to the Crown, in Scotland and Ireland. Ancient Pigott family
castles are today in Bungay (Suffolk, East Anglia), in Scotland at Lord
Seton and near River Tweed, and in Ireland at Castle Pigott (circa
1562) in Dysart, Queens County.
Noted Pigotts included Sir George Pigott, 1st Baronet (1719-1777), who
served as Governor of Madras, after his East India Service, and was
owner of the celebrated Pigott Diamond. This diamond, a fabulous
perfect blue-white, became part of the Crown Jewels of England. It
weighed in at over 85 carats, and was bequeathed at his death to his
brothers General Sir Robert Pigott, 2nd Baronet (1720-1796), and
Admiral Hugh Pigott (1721-1792), and his sister Margaret. The original
was auctioned by an Act of Parliament in 1803 by Christy's to the Ali
Pasha, and can now be viewed at the Topkapi Palace Museum in Turkey as
the Spoonmaker's Diamond, set with twin rows of 49 brilliant diamonds
in gold. A replica of the diamond is housed in the Crown Jewels in the
Tower in London, England and can be viewed on special occasions by the
Sir Robert is known to have fought at Bunker Hill, despite the fact that
by then most Pigotts in North America had become Revolutionaries
instead of Loyalists and fought for the fledgling Colonial nation of
the United States of America.
The Pigott family tree is well and formally documented in a rare museum
text, complete with photos and text descriptions of over twelve
generations of Pigotts. I had the honor of working on this text with
its late publisher, Frank Brown of Louisiana, in 1972-1976. It was
published in 1976 as a large red-leather volume with gold lettering which
read "Descendants of John Pigott the Elder", and sold out
almost immediately.
A new, updated, and vastly expanded publication of the Pigott Family
History is planned for the end of this calendar year 1998, with the
cooperation of surviving family members who are contributing exclusive
family photographs of persons and historical places and information
about the period of settlement and expansion of the family from the
early 1700s throughout the 1800s and early 1900s into all parts of
America and parts of Canada. Many of these photographs were loaned to
Frank in 1976 for the first book, plus there are now newly-discovered
photographs and entire family lines and branches not previously
During this seminal year of 1998, we issue a plea to all researchers
and family members of the Pigott family line to contact us.
Please, we need your help in contributing whatever information you may
have about the Pigotts toward this historical endeavour to expand our
original "Descendants of John Pigott the Elder" into a true
"History of the Pigott Family in Europe and America"! With
the modern resources of the global Internet at hand, and thus an easy
method of gathering text, gedcom, and scanned photo file information,
we earnestly hope that it will be possible to revise, expand, and
publish such a new History by the end of this year 1998. PLEASE CONTACT
US AND HELP US MAKE THIS MISSION A SUCCESS! Thank you most respectfully
for your help!
Randall Pigott randall@pigott.net
President, The Pigott Corporation, Box 37, Riva MD 21140
The Pigott Corporation FamilyNet site: http://www.pigott.net
Randall Pigott
The Pigott Corporation
Box 37
Riva, MD 21140
United States
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